Sunday, November 25, 2012

Progress for Monday

Over the break I spent my time painting in white behind each character in each drawing so that the characters would not be transparent.

Last week I created a photoshop batch action to take out the background (any white color at all) out of every drawing. Now the backgrounds are transparent and the characters are white.

Just started After Effects to begin the final edit...and found I had some more trouble shooting to do. Should be well underway by tonight.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday 18th progress

#of drawings scanned as of now... 412 there will only be a few be drawn this week. On to editing them here we go!


Also, I am so completely caffeinated that I will be getting all of the scanning done today leaving me a little over a week to photoshop edit these and put them into after effects. I know that it would only take me a couple days to get the editing in After Effects done...I need to get rid of the white behind the character and prop layers though so that viewers can see the background....that is the thing that is causing some problems as of right just takes too long to select the background by hand.


Just scanned my 300th drawing. Getting closer to the end. Also looking into a good photoshop action to create to make keying out the background automatic for all the drawings without me having to select it manually for each drawing....that would take longer than i have time for. I need ideas for a good action to create that can apply to different drawings...all 400ish of them.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Progress for wednesday the 14th

As of right now I have around 420 drawings. There are a few tweaks I will probably have to redraw before next week. But today I am starting the process of scanning them. We will see how many I can get done in two.5 hours

I will be continuing to scan tonight and tomorrow night

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Progress as of Wed. Nov.7th

I am 247 drawings deep into my project. I was thankfully able to use some cycling and I have done aprx. 4-5 drawings for everytime a character is standing still. So those are enabling me to re-use drawings for whatever amount of time I need them. I only need about 50 more drawings so I should be on track to be done with my drawings by friday. I will be scanning the drawings this weekend and Tuesday. I will have them all scanned by the end of next Wednesday as I will be staying on campus all day that day and will not be leaving until they are all scanned and labeled. The following Thurs, Fri, will be dedicated to photoshopping them. Hopefully that will not go into the weekend. I am planning to use the weekend to compose my animation in After Effects. I should be ready with partial animation by the Monday before Thanksgiving break.